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Hebe International is Made by Zhao by Henan, China. A China skin care salon which rent an office in Seoul, Korea. They are counterfeit producers of a brand products such as Miracle Care, such poplar services and products in China, Crystal Tomato. They copied Crystal Tomato's internet site, to produce another bogus website, by changing the name Crystal Tomato into MDS tomato, still using Crystal Tomato images and also the company name Gromark, to deceptive clients that these are exactly the same product. That is a statement from Gromark:


Back in 2017, there really are a lot of people on instagram and We chat starts to market a new product called Crystal Tomato pills where exactly can this brand came from? Crystal Tomato is just actually a renowned brand from Singapore, they have been produced in USA and sold in clinics in Singapore. As this new is very reputable and been selling in Singapore for five years, so it attracts a variety of all China scammers who wan na earn profits in methods that are unscrupulous, Zhao from mainland. This scammer leasing a place and using a Korean skin care center in Seoul to try, to attempt to misleading investors invest money for him to producing imitation and to be franchisee. He lied to people franchisee he has the dispersing rights and using Crystal Tomato product videos and picture to market within his wechat moments, as soon as when customer gets the item, its actually referred to as MDS tomato. The package appears similar, '' he told the customer that is the Korean model of Crystal Tomato, because the import taxation is very low from Korea out of USA, so they can sell 1/3 of this cost contrasts to Crystal Tomato, by tricking customers to think they're the same product and made of the identical company Gromark. That really is crytsal tomato site:, this company was attempting to sell Crystal Tomato for years in Singapore, has absolutely nothing to do with MDS tomato, the people Zhao asserted that he own the dispersing rights out of Gromark. Crystal Tomato can allowed to be sold on wechat, maybe not at Clinics from such scammers, homepage.


These crawlers that are Chinese never admire others property, provided that profit is smelt by them , they are going to start to manufactory fakes and asking their franchisee to invest, therefore they can sell their fakes. At the beginning, dozens of images of MDS tomato is out of Hebe Intl natual skin care, and each of Hebe International skincare franchisee are starting to post these selling and picture these imitation tomato pills. They sold it cheap at $45 USD each package, however these things were produced by them at a unknown factory outlet, the products has mill address and also no factory name in it. Their cost to produce these pills that are fake is around $5 each box, starting at 10000 box. Zhao attracts franchisees to join with his franchise business once whenever they join his franchise, he used these franchisees to sell these pills into the customers giving each franchisee 500 boxes for free. They sold these pills at $45 per day, earning profit over, requesting customer to choose these pills regular so their skin may become white. These pills are not FDA approves, not CDFA blessings, they are prohibited supplement to sell together with government regulation.